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Huevos (La Habana) (cta0067000085) |
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Program for "Recital de poemas de Virgilio Piñera en su centenario" (cta0067000051) |
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Program for the theatrical production, Titiritero (cta0067000025) |
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Las criadas (La Habana) (cta0063000050) |
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Los soles truncos (cta0063000049) |
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Announcement of the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000044) |
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Theater review for the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000043) |
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Radio-phonic note for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000040) |
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Press release for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000039) |
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Program for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000038) |
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Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000037) |
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Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000036) |
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Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000035) |
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Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000034) |
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Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000033) |
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Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000031) |
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Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000030) |
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Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000029) |
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Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000028) |
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Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000027) |
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Gladys González and Yoel Lugones about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000017) |
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Amado del Pino about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000016) |
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Roberto Gacio about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000015) |
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Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000014) |
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Article, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000013) |
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Press release for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000012) |
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Program for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000011) |
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Radio-phonic note about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000010) |
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Letter from Rosa Ileana Boudet to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000009) |
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Interview with Miguel Sánchez León on the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000008) |
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Program for the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000006) |
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Award documentation of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000005) |
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Poster of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000004) |
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Photograph of the theoretic foundation made by Doris Gutiérrez for the production, “El tio Vania” (cta0063000003) |
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Email from Amado del Pino to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000002) |
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Email from Esther Suárez Durán to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000001) |
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Photopraphs of the production Molinos de Viento 1984 (cta0057000028) |
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Program for the production, "Carlos Gardel" (Teatro Popular Latinoamericano) (cta0053000003) |
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