Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Huevos (La Habana) (cta0067000085)
digitalobject Program for "Recital de poemas de Virgilio Piñera en su centenario" (cta0067000051)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Titiritero (cta0067000025)
digitalobject Las criadas (La Habana) (cta0063000050)
digitalobject Los soles truncos (cta0063000049)
digitalobject Announcement of the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000044)
digitalobject Theater review for the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000043)
digitalobject Radio-phonic note for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000040)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000039)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000038)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000037)
digitalobject Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000036)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000035)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000034)
digitalobject Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000033)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000031)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000030)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000029)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000028)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000027)
digitalobject Gladys González and Yoel Lugones about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000017)
digitalobject Amado del Pino about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000016)
digitalobject Roberto Gacio about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000015)
digitalobject Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000014)
digitalobject Article, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000013)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000012)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000011)
digitalobject Radio-phonic note about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000010)
digitalobject Letter from Rosa Ileana Boudet to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000009)
digitalobject Interview with Miguel Sánchez León on the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000008)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000006)
digitalobject Award documentation of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000005)
digitalobject Poster of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000004)
digitalobject Photograph of the theoretic foundation made by Doris Gutiérrez for the production, “El tio Vania” (cta0063000003)
digitalobject Email from Amado del Pino to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000002)
digitalobject Email from Esther Suárez Durán to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000001)
digitalobject Photopraphs of the production Molinos de Viento 1984 (cta0057000028)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Carlos Gardel" (Teatro Popular Latinoamericano) (cta0053000003)