Cuban Theater Digital Archive

How to Participate

The CTDA encourages its community of users to participate in building a comprehensive, freely available scholarly resource on Cuban theater on the web, by considering the options below and sending an email of interest to

Theater artists

Theater artists are welcome to develop pages about their own work and/or contribute digital materials to the CTDA.  For those interested in contributing physical materials to an archival repository, the Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) at the University of Miami stewards a growing collection of original materials.  CHC collections are stored in an archival preservation environment, and are made available to scholars and students for research, teaching, and learning.  A selection of digitized personal and corporate papers curated by the CHC are featured in the CHC Theater Collections.

Theater Patrons

The CTDA is interested in incorporating knowledge of theater patrons on theater artists and productions into its database.  Theater lovers with collections of still images of productions, stage designs, costume designs, programs and playbills, posters, lobby cards, and images of performance spaces are encouraged to participate in growing this community archive by making materials that meet the repository's intellectual property guidelines digitally accessible. 

Professors and scholars

The CTDA platform is available for student service-learning, research and publication, and other student projects;  in fact, much of the content in the CTDA was created by undergraduate and graduate students.  CTDA staff are available for workshops on incorporating archival materials into coursework.  


The CTDA offers a number of service-learning and internship opportunities for course credit at the University of Miami, especially for majors in Film, Visual Communication, Spanish, Theater Arts, and Latin American Studies.


The CTDA is looking for volunteers to help edit pages and create new entries.  This is an excellent opportunity for people knowledgeable about theater or interested in learning more to join an exciting team and be part of a unique collaborative and creative experience.



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