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Huevos (La Habana) (cta0067000085) |
digitalobject |
Program for "Recital de poemas de Virgilio Piñera en su centenario" (cta0067000051) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Titiritero (cta0067000025) |
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Las criadas (La Habana) (cta0063000050) |
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Los soles truncos (cta0063000049) |
digitalobject |
Announcement of the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000044) |
digitalobject |
Theater review for the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000043) |
digitalobject |
Radio-phonic note for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000040) |
digitalobject |
Press release for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000039) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000038) |
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Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000037) |
digitalobject |
Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000036) |
digitalobject |
Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000035) |
digitalobject |
Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000034) |
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Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000033) |
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Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000031) |
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Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000030) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000029) |
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Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000028) |
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Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000027) |
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Gladys González and Yoel Lugones about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000017) |
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Amado del Pino about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000016) |
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Roberto Gacio about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000015) |
digitalobject |
Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000014) |
digitalobject |
Article, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000013) |
digitalobject |
Press release for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000012) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000011) |
digitalobject |
Radio-phonic note about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000010) |
digitalobject |
Letter from Rosa Ileana Boudet to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000009) |
digitalobject |
Interview with Miguel Sánchez León on the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000008) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000006) |
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Award documentation of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000005) |
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Poster of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000004) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of the theoretic foundation made by Doris Gutiérrez for the production, “El tio Vania” (cta0063000003) |
digitalobject |
Email from Amado del Pino to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000002) |
digitalobject |
Email from Esther Suárez Durán to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000001) |
digitalobject |
Photopraphs of the production Molinos de Viento 1984 (cta0057000028) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Carlos Gardel" (Teatro Popular Latinoamericano) (cta0053000003) |
digitalobject |
Student signatures for Francisco Morín (cta0047000142) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of the production, "Ligados" (Havana, 1948) (cta0047000141) |
digitalobject |
Press clipping of the production, "Arsénico para los viejos" (Havana, 1942) (cta0047000137) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Llama viva" (Havana, 1956) (cta0047000133) |
digitalobject |
Photographs of the production, "Delito en la isla de las cabras" (Havana, 1956) (cta0047000130) |
digitalobject |
Photographs of María Suárez and Florencio Escudero in the production, "Sur" (Havana, 1956) (cta0047000127) |
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Program for the theatrical production, Electra Garrigó (cta0047000122) |
digitalobject |
Copy of the program for the production, "Calígula" (Havana, 1955) (cta0047000119) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "La ventisca" (New York, 1978) (cta0047000118) |
digitalobject |
Letter from Myriam Acevedo to Francisco Morín (cta0047000113) |
digitalobject |
Manuscripts of Francisco Morín on Prometeo, Academia Municipal and Teatro Universitario (cta0047000108) |
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Copy of a photograph of the production, "Calígula" with a handwritten note by Francisco Morín (cta0047000094) |
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Photograph of a rehearsal, La máscara y el rostro (cta0047000082) |
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Photographs of the production, "Auto de la pasión" (Santiago de Cuba, 1964) (cta0047000078) |
digitalobject |
Copies of photographs of the production, "Delito en la isla de las cabras," handwritten notes by Francisco Morín (cta0047000072) |
digitalobject |
Press clipping of the production, "Un color para este miedo" (Havana, 1957) (cta0046000111) |
digitalobject |
Photographs of Adolfo de Luis and Rebeca Morales (cta0046000108) |
digitalobject |
Press clipping of the production, "Tembladera" (Havana, 1942) (cta0046000105) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Los siervos" (cta0046000098) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Carlos Pérez Peña, Concha Ares and Maritza Abrahantes in the production "La vitrina" (cta0046000075) |
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Photograph of Flora Lauten and Adolfo Llauradó in the theatrical production, La noche de los asesinos (cta0046000069) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Mar nuestro" (cta0046000064) |
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Program for the production, "La niñita querida" (cta0046000062) |
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Program for the production "La boda" (cta0046000061) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Aire frío" (Havana, 1962) (cta0046000002) |
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Photographs of the theatrical production, "Huevos" (cta0038000002) |
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Poster for the production, "El ciervo encantado" (cta0034000266) |
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Photograph of the production, "El ciervo encantado" (cta0034000265) |
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Photograph of the production, "El ciervo encantado" (cta0034000264) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "El Flaco y el Gordo" (cta0030000013) |
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Romance en Charco Seco in Havana at Sala Adolfo Llauradó (cta0029000382) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of the production, "Electra Garrigó" (Havana, 2008) (cta0029000099) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of the production, "Electra Garrigó" (Havana, 2008) (cta0029000097) |
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Advertising postcard for the production, "Electra Garrigó" (Havana, 2008) (cta0029000095) |
digitalobject |
Press release for the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0028000010) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000009) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) and Carlos Treto (Charley) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000008) |
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Poster for the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000007) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Alexander Díaz (Biff) and Gilberto Ramos (Harold) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000006) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman), Amada Morado (Linda) and Alexander Díaz (Biff) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000005) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman), Amada Morado (Linda) and Alexander Díaz (Biff) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000004) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) and Miriam Learra (Linda) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000003) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) and Amada Morado (Linda) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000002) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000002) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000002) |
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Photograph of José Luis Hidalgo (Nagg) and Deysi Sánchez (Neill) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000063) |
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Photograph of José Luis Hidalgo (Nagg) and Deysi Sánchez (Neill) in the theatricalproduction, Final de Partida (cta0024000062) |
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Photograph of Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000061) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000060) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000059) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000058) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000057) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000056) |
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Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000055) |
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Program for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0017000169) |
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Program for the production, "Electra Garrigó" 1997 (cta0015000033) |
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Trailer for Timeball (cta0015000023) |
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Poster for the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000059) |
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Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000049) |
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Program for the production "María Antonieta o la maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes" (cta0012000021) |
digitalobject |
Antigonón, un contingente épico (La Habana, 2016) (cta0009000290) |
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Antigonón, un contigente épico (Miami, 2016) (cta0009000274) |
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Troya (Cuba, 2013) (cta0009000202) |
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Huevos (Miami, 2013) (cta0009000170) |
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El flaco y el gordo (Havana, 2013) (cta0009000155) |
digitalobject |
Fíchenla, si pueden (Havana, 2013) (cta0009000154) |
digitalobject |
Interview with Cuban actor José Gansio (cta0009000152) |
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En el túnel un pájaro (Havana) (cta0009000150) |
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Delirio Habanero (cta0009000141) |
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Con ropa de domingo (cta0009000137) |
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Antigonón (Work in progress, La Habana, 2013) (cta0009000129) |
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Ana en el trópico (Miami, 2013) (cta0009000127) |
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Ana en el trópico (Havana, 2013) (cta0009000126) |
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Adiós y welcome (cta0009000125) |
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La isla en la maleta (cta0009000016) |
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Diálogos de carmelitas (cta0007000047) |
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Entre dos o historias de chicos (2004) (cta0005000046) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000148) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000147) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000146) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000145) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000144) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000134) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000133) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000132) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000131) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000130) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto) and Roberto Gacio (Sedicom) in the production, “Los siervos” (cta0003000126) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) the production, “Los siervos” (cta0003000125) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto), Amarilys Núñez (Pilano), Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000124) |
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Photograph of Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Roberto Gacio (Sedicom) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000123) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto), Amarilys Núñez (Pilano), Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000122) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto), Amarilys Núñez (Pilano), Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000121) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto) and Mario Guerra (Silié) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000120) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “La boda” (cta0003000119) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Mónica Guffanti in the production, “La boda” (cta0003000118) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Mario Guerra in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000117) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Alina Rodríguez in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000116) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Mario Guerra in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000115) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro, Alina Rodríguez, Mario Guerra and Laura de la Uz in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000114) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro, Alina Rodríguez, Mario Guerra and Laura de la Uz in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000113) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro, Alina Rodríguez, Mario Guerra and Laura de la Uz in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000112) |
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Award to Déxter Cápiro in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000111) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000109) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) and Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000107) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) and Gilda Bello (Electra) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000106) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) and Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000105) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó), Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra) and Mario Guerra (Egisto) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000104) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó), Roberto Gacio (Agamenón), Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra), Mario Guerra (Egisto) and Gilda Bello (Electra Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000103) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000102) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000101) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000100) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000099) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (cta0003000098) |
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Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Laura de la Uz (cta0003000097) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000094) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000093) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000092) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000091) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000090) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000089) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000088) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000087) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000086) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000085) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000084) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000083) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000082) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000081) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000080) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000079) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000078) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000077) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000076) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000075) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000074) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000073) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000072) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000071) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000070) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000069) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000068) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000067) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000066) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000065) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000064) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000063) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000062) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000061) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000060) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000059) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000058) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000057) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000056) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000055) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000054) |
digitalobject |
Pamphlet for the "Seminario de Artes Dramáticas" at the Universidad de La Habana (cta0002000062) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, "El dia que me quieras" (cta0001000076) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Los juegos santos" (cta0001000022) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Fíchenla, si pueden" (chc5297000043) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Una caja de zapatos vacía" (chc5297000042) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Sueños de un seductor" (chc5297000039) |
digitalobject |
Program for the VI Bienal Internacional de Dramaturgia Femenina (chc5297000036) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "¿De qué está hecha tu casa?" (chc5297000035) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Tula, tórtola y becerro" (chc5297000034) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Antigonón" (chc5297000033) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Panorama desde el puente" (chc5297000031) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Arcoiris" (chc5297000030) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Mamá, yo soy Fred Astaire" (chc5297000029) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "2 Comedias" (chc5297000027) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "La farándula pasa" (chc5297000026) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Galápago (chc5297000025) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, El tío Vania (chc5297000024) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Escándalo en la trapa (chc5297000023) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Fuenteovejuna (chc5297000022) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Kassandra (chc5297000021) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Palabras cuerpos (chc5297000020) |
digitalobject |
Program for the theatrical production, Cloaca (chc5297000019) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "El inspector" (chc5297000018) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "La pasión desobediente" (chc5297000017) |
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Program for the production "Carne de perros" (chc5297000016) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Los amantes" (chc5297000014) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Todo X 1" (chc5297000013) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Santa Cecilia" (chc5297000012) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Decamerón" (chc5297000011) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "La toma de La Habana por los ingleses" (chc5297000010) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Rascacielos" (chc5297000008) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Tacón Tacón", its back is handwritten by Roberto Gacio (chc5297000007) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production "Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio" (chc5297000006) |
digitalobject |
Program for the performance "Así quiero. La familia como teatro" (chc5297000005) |
digitalobject |
Program for the production, "Águila y Dragones" (chc5297000002) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of the production, "Chago de Guisa" (chc5136000022) |
digitalobject |
Photograph of the production, "Bodas de sangre" (chc5136000015) |
production |
Adiós y Welcome (Sala Teatro El Sótano) |
production |
Alicia- en busca del conejo blanco (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
Antigonón: un contingente épico (Teatro Trianón, November 3, 2013) |
production |
Aquiles y la tortuga (La Capilla de El Ciervo Encantado, March 22, 2013) |
production |
Asamblea de las mujeres (Santiago de Cuba, 1988) |
production |
Ay, Carmela (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 2014) |
production |
Bel la Bella (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, October 31, 2013) |
production |
Bodas de sangre (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, October 1980) |
production |
Brigada 2506 (Sala Teatro El Sótano, 1974) |
production |
Calígula (Sala Prometeo (1955-1956), June 17, 1955) |
production |
Delantal todo sucio de huevo (Sala Osvaldo Dragún, October 25, 2013) |
production |
El álbum (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, July 26, 2002) |
production |
El baile (Sala Osvaldo Dragún, November 1, 2013) |
production |
El cartero de Neruda (Unknown1, 2000) |
production |
El caso de la luna (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, October 27, 2013) |
production |
El cerco (Sala Teatro El Sótano, September 20, 2013) |
production |
El ciervo encantado (Gran Teatro de La Habana, October 1996) |
production |
El ciervo encantado (Gran Teatro de La Habana, October 18, 2018) |
production |
El ciervo encantado (Sala El Ciervo Encantado, April 1997) |
production |
El día que me quieras (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, January 21, 1989) |
production |
Electra Garrigó (Teatro de la Escuela Municipal Valdés Rodríguez , October 23, 1948) |
production |
Electra Garrigó (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, August 5, 2008) |
production |
Electra Garrigó (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, April 27, 1997) |
production |
Electra Garrigó (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1997) |
production |
Electra o la caída de las máscaras (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, November 3, 2000) |
production |
El flaco y el gordo (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, October 25, 2013) |
production |
El mal corre (Sala Teatro Prometeo (1956-1958), May 25, 1957) |
production |
El Salto (Unknown, 1982) |
production |
El tiempo y los Conways (Espacios Unión - Auditorium, May 13, 1953) |
production |
El tío Vania (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 25, 2010) |
production |
El Tío Vania (Sala Argos Teatro, 2014) |
production |
Estudio 44 (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 25, 2013) |
production |
Falsa Alarma (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
Fíchenla, si pueden (Sala Argos Teatro, October 27, 2013) |
production |
Final de partida (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 25, 2019) |
production |
Final de partida (Sala Argos Teatro, October 30, 2009) |
production |
Final de partida (Sala Argos Teatro, March 20, 2009) |
production |
Historia de Monte adentro (Santiago de Cuba, 1980) |
production |
Historia de una media naranja (Teatro de la Villa, October 28, 2013) |
production |
Huevos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, March 11, 2009) |
production |
Huevos (Akuara Teatro - Sala Avellaneda, November 16, 2013) |
production |
Huevos (Sala Argos Teatro, August 2005) |
production |
Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell That Was Once Her Heart (Unknown1, 2000) |
production |
Jesús (Alcazar Cinemateque, July 22, 1994) |
production |
La boda (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, December 15, 1994) |
production |
La boda (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, May 25, 1994) |
production |
La legionaria (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 27, 2013) |
production |
La Legionaria (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 19, 2009) |
production |
La Legionaria (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 29, 2006) |
production |
La muchachita del mar (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, October 28, 2015) |
production |
La muchachita del mar (Sala de Teatro La Edad de Oro, October 6, 2014) |
production |
La mujer de carne y leche (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
La niñita querida (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1993) |
production |
La ópera del mendigo (Unknown Venue - La Habana, 2003) |
production |
La otra voz (Sala Teatro El Sótano, October 27, 2013) |
production |
La ramera respetuosa (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, March 1960) |
production |
Las criadas (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, November 6, 2004) |
production |
Las lamentaciones de Obba Yurú (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
Las mariposas saltan al vacío (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
Las mariposas saltan al vacío (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, November 18, 1994) |
production |
Las penas saben nadar (Teatro Tomás Terry, February 13, 1997) |
production |
Las penas saben nadar (Espacios Unión - Auditorium, February 8, 1998) |
production |
Las penas saben nadar (Sala Teatro Papalote, January 27, 2005) |
production |
Las penas saben nadar (Teatro América, May 21, 2010) |
production |
Las penas saben nadar (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1989) |
production |
Las penas saben nadar (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, March 27, 1989) |
production |
La última cena (La Capilla de El Ciervo Encantado, December 6, 2013) |
production |
La virgencita de bronce (Casa de las Américas, October 2006) |
production |
La virgencita de bronce (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, June 2005) |
production |
Liborio (Unknown venue - Camagüey, September 16, 2004) |
production |
Lo que le pasó a la cantante de baladas (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 2005) |
production |
Los cuernos de Don Friolera (Santiago de Cuba, 1971) |
production |
Los días felices (Sala Teatro El Sótano, March 14, 2003) |
production |
Los días felices (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 13, 2006) |
production |
Los días felices (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, October 20, 2001) |
production |
Los fusiles (Sala Covarrubias, October 4, 1960) |
production |
Los fusiles de la madre Carrar (Sala Ñico López, October 30, 1960) |
production |
Los pícaros burlados (Teatro-Museo de títeres el arca, October 26, 2013) |
production |
Los soles truncos (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, February 14, 1998) |
production |
Los soles truncos (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, October 14, 2006) |
production |
Los soles truncos (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, 2002) |
production |
Madre coraje (Unknown, 1953) |
production |
Mamíferos hablando con sus muertos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, May 2004) |
production |
María Antonieta o La maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes (Teatro Trianón, 1999) |
production |
María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, June 1, 2008) |
production |
Mi onda es la de David (Matanzas, 1982) |
production |
Misterios y pequeñas piezas (Sala Argos Teatro, October 18, 2018) |
production |
Misterios y pequeñas piezas (Sala Argos Teatro, 2018) |
production |
Molinos de Viento (Teatro Mella, March 6, 1984) |
production |
Monosodium Glutamate (Unknown1, 1989) |
production |
Narices (Teatro de la Orden Tercera, October 26, 2013) |
production |
Nuestro pueblo (Unknown Venue - La Habana, October 1948) |
production |
Oh, la gente (Teatro Musical de La Habana, 1963) |
production |
Otelo (Teatro Mella, October 25, 2013) |
production |
Perros que jamás ladraron (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
Qué importa saber quién soy (Sala Raquel Revuelta, October 27, 2013) |
production |
Rascacielos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó) |
production |
Réquiem por Yarini (La Habana , 1965) |
production |
Romance en Charco Seco (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, December 3, 2013) |
production |
Rompiendo cadenas (Manuel Artime Theater) |
production |
Si me miras, si me besas (Teatro Musical de La Habana, 1988) |
production |
Tembladera (Teatro Principal de la Comedia, 1942) |
production |
The Ash Can and the Cobra (Unknown1, 1980) |
production |
Tres locos de películas (Matanzas, 1985) |
production |
Troya (Unknown Venue - La Habana) |
production |
Un color para este miedo (Palacio de Bellas Artes, June 13, 1957) |
production |
Un tranvía llamado deseo (La Habana , 1965) |
production |
Zona (Cine Teatro City Hall, October 26, 2017) |
writtenwork |
Electra Garrigó (Play script) |
writtenwork |
El metodólogo (Play script) |
writtenwork |
Éramos cuatro (Play script) |
writtenwork |
Huevos (Play script) |
writtenwork |
La legionaria (Adaptation / Version) |
writtenwork |
Las criadas (Translation) |
writtenwork |
Les Bonnes (Play script) |
writtenwork |
Los días felices (Adaptation / Version) |
writtenwork |
Los soles truncos (Adaptation / Version) |
writtenwork |
María Antonieta o La maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes (Adaptation / Version) |
writtenwork |
María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó (Adaptation / Version) |
writtenwork |
Rascacielos (Play script) |
writtenwork |
Romance en Charco Seco (Adaptation / Version) |
writtenwork |
Un color para este miedo (Short story/stories) |
creator |
Cid, Julio (815) |
creator |
Egea, Eduardo, November 13, 1921- (10389) |
creator |
Valdivia, Amilsy (9843) |