Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Huevos (La Habana) (cta0067000085)
digitalobject Program for "Recital de poemas de Virgilio Piñera en su centenario" (cta0067000051)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Titiritero (cta0067000025)
digitalobject Las criadas (La Habana) (cta0063000050)
digitalobject Los soles truncos (cta0063000049)
digitalobject Announcement of the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000044)
digitalobject Theater review for the production, "María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó" (cta0063000043)
digitalobject Radio-phonic note for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000040)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000039)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Electra o la caída de las máscaras" (cta0063000038)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000037)
digitalobject Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000036)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000035)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000034)
digitalobject Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000033)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000031)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000030)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000029)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000028)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000027)
digitalobject Gladys González and Yoel Lugones about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000017)
digitalobject Amado del Pino about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000016)
digitalobject Roberto Gacio about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000015)
digitalobject Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000014)
digitalobject Article, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000013)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000012)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000011)
digitalobject Radio-phonic note about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000010)
digitalobject Letter from Rosa Ileana Boudet to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000009)
digitalobject Interview with Miguel Sánchez León on the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000008)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000006)
digitalobject Award documentation of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000005)
digitalobject Poster of the production, "Las criadas" (cta0063000004)
digitalobject Photograph of the theoretic foundation made by Doris Gutiérrez for the production, “El tio Vania” (cta0063000003)
digitalobject Email from Amado del Pino to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000002)
digitalobject Email from Esther Suárez Durán to Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "El tío Vania" (cta0063000001)
digitalobject Photopraphs of the production Molinos de Viento 1984 (cta0057000028)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Carlos Gardel" (Teatro Popular Latinoamericano) (cta0053000003)
digitalobject Student signatures for Francisco Morín (cta0047000142)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Ligados" (Havana, 1948) (cta0047000141)
digitalobject Press clipping of the production, "Arsénico para los viejos" (Havana, 1942) (cta0047000137)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Llama viva" (Havana, 1956) (cta0047000133)
digitalobject Photographs of the production, "Delito en la isla de las cabras" (Havana, 1956) (cta0047000130)
digitalobject Photographs of María Suárez and Florencio Escudero in the production, "Sur" (Havana, 1956) (cta0047000127)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Electra Garrigó (cta0047000122)
digitalobject Copy of the program for the production, "Calígula" (Havana, 1955) (cta0047000119)
digitalobject Program for the production, "La ventisca" (New York, 1978) (cta0047000118)
digitalobject Letter from Myriam Acevedo to Francisco Morín (cta0047000113)
digitalobject Manuscripts of Francisco Morín on Prometeo, Academia Municipal and Teatro Universitario (cta0047000108)
digitalobject Copy of a photograph of the production, "Calígula" with a handwritten note by Francisco Morín (cta0047000094)
digitalobject Photograph of a rehearsal, La máscara y el rostro (cta0047000082)
digitalobject Photographs of the production, "Auto de la pasión" (Santiago de Cuba, 1964) (cta0047000078)
digitalobject Copies of photographs of the production, "Delito en la isla de las cabras," handwritten notes by Francisco Morín (cta0047000072)
digitalobject Press clipping of the production, "Un color para este miedo" (Havana, 1957) (cta0046000111)
digitalobject Photographs of Adolfo de Luis and Rebeca Morales (cta0046000108)
digitalobject Press clipping of the production, "Tembladera" (Havana, 1942) (cta0046000105)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los siervos" (cta0046000098)
digitalobject Photograph of Carlos Pérez Peña, Concha Ares and Maritza Abrahantes in the production "La vitrina" (cta0046000075)
digitalobject Photograph of Flora Lauten and Adolfo Llauradó in the theatrical production, La noche de los asesinos (cta0046000069)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Mar nuestro" (cta0046000064)
digitalobject Program for the production, "La niñita querida" (cta0046000062)
digitalobject Program for the production "La boda" (cta0046000061)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Aire frío" (Havana, 1962) (cta0046000002)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, "Huevos" (cta0038000002)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "El ciervo encantado" (cta0034000266)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El ciervo encantado" (cta0034000265)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El ciervo encantado" (cta0034000264)
digitalobject Program for the production, "El Flaco y el Gordo" (cta0030000013)
digitalobject Romance en Charco Seco in Havana at Sala Adolfo Llauradó (cta0029000382)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Electra Garrigó" (Havana, 2008) (cta0029000099)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Electra Garrigó" (Havana, 2008) (cta0029000097)
digitalobject Advertising postcard for the production, "Electra Garrigó" (Havana, 2008) (cta0029000095)
digitalobject Press release for the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0028000010)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000009)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) and Carlos Treto (Charley) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000008)
digitalobject Poster for the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000007)
digitalobject Photograph of Alexander Díaz (Biff) and Gilberto Ramos (Harold) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000006)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman), Amada Morado (Linda) and Alexander Díaz (Biff) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000005)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman), Amada Morado (Linda) and Alexander Díaz (Biff) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000004)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) and Miriam Learra (Linda) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000003)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) and Amada Morado (Linda) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000002)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000002)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Willy Loman) in the theatrical production, La muerte de un viajante (cta0028000002)
digitalobject Photograph of José Luis Hidalgo (Nagg) and Deysi Sánchez (Neill) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000063)
digitalobject Photograph of José Luis Hidalgo (Nagg) and Deysi Sánchez (Neill) in the theatricalproduction, Final de Partida (cta0024000062)
digitalobject Photograph of Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000061)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000060)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000059)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000058)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000057)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000056)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000055)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0017000169)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Electra Garrigó" 1997 (cta0015000033)
digitalobject Trailer for Timeball (cta0015000023)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000059)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000049)
digitalobject Program for the production "María Antonieta o la maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes" (cta0012000021)
digitalobject Antigonón, un contingente épico (La Habana, 2016) (cta0009000290)
digitalobject Antigonón, un contigente épico (Miami, 2016) (cta0009000274)
digitalobject Troya (Cuba, 2013) (cta0009000202)
digitalobject Huevos (Miami, 2013) (cta0009000170)
digitalobject El flaco y el gordo (Havana, 2013) (cta0009000155)
digitalobject Fíchenla, si pueden (Havana, 2013) (cta0009000154)
digitalobject Interview with Cuban actor José Gansio (cta0009000152)
digitalobject En el túnel un pájaro (Havana) (cta0009000150)
digitalobject Delirio Habanero (cta0009000141)
digitalobject Con ropa de domingo (cta0009000137)
digitalobject Antigonón (Work in progress, La Habana, 2013) (cta0009000129)
digitalobject Ana en el trópico (Miami, 2013) (cta0009000127)
digitalobject Ana en el trópico (Havana, 2013) (cta0009000126)
digitalobject Adiós y welcome (cta0009000125)
digitalobject La isla en la maleta (cta0009000016)
digitalobject Diálogos de carmelitas (cta0007000047)
digitalobject Entre dos o historias de chicos (2004) (cta0005000046)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000148)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000147)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000146)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000145)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000144)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “El público” (cta0003000134)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000133)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000132)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000131)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Pepe) and Arístides Naranjo (Virgilio) in the production, “Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio” (cta0003000130)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto) and Roberto Gacio (Sedicom) in the production, “Los siervos” (cta0003000126)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) the production, “Los siervos” (cta0003000125)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto), Amarilys Núñez (Pilano), Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000124)
digitalobject Photograph of Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Roberto Gacio (Sedicom) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000123)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto), Amarilys Núñez (Pilano), Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000122)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto), Amarilys Núñez (Pilano), Mario Guerra (Dimanisio) and Grettel Trujillo (Zenón) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000121)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Nicleto) and Mario Guerra (Silié) in the production, "Los siervos" (cta0003000120)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “La boda” (cta0003000119)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Mónica Guffanti in the production, “La boda” (cta0003000118)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Mario Guerra in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000117)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Alina Rodríguez in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000116)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Mario Guerra in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000115)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro, Alina Rodríguez, Mario Guerra and Laura de la Uz in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000114)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro, Alina Rodríguez, Mario Guerra and Laura de la Uz in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000113)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro, Alina Rodríguez, Mario Guerra and Laura de la Uz in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000112)
digitalobject Award to Déxter Cápiro in the production, "La boda" (cta0003000111)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000109)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) and Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000107)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) and Gilda Bello (Electra) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000106)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) and Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000105)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó), Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra) and Mario Guerra (Egisto) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000104)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó), Roberto Gacio (Agamenón), Amarilys Núñez (Clitemnestra), Mario Guerra (Egisto) and Gilda Bello (Electra Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000103)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000102)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000101)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000100)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (Orestes Garrigó) in the production, "Electra Garrigó" (cta0003000099)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (cta0003000098)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Laura de la Uz (cta0003000097)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000094)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000093)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000092)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000091)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000090)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000089)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000088)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000087)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000086)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000085)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000084)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000083)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000082)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000081)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000080)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000079)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000078)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000077)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000076)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000075)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000074)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000073)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000072)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000071)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000070)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000069)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000068)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000067)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000066)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000065)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000064)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000063)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000062)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000061)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000060)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000059)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000058)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000057)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000056)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000055)
digitalobject Photograph of Déxter Cápiro (La señora) in the production, "El álbum" (cta0003000054)
digitalobject Pamphlet for the "Seminario de Artes Dramáticas" at the Universidad de La Habana (cta0002000062)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, "El dia que me quieras" (cta0001000076)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los juegos santos" (cta0001000022)
digitalobject Program for the production "Fíchenla, si pueden" (chc5297000043)
digitalobject Program for the production "Una caja de zapatos vacía" (chc5297000042)
digitalobject Program for the production "Sueños de un seductor" (chc5297000039)
digitalobject Program for the VI Bienal Internacional de Dramaturgia Femenina (chc5297000036)
digitalobject Program for the production "¿De qué está hecha tu casa?" (chc5297000035)
digitalobject Program for the production "Tula, tórtola y becerro" (chc5297000034)
digitalobject Program for the production "Antigonón" (chc5297000033)
digitalobject Program for the production "Panorama desde el puente" (chc5297000031)
digitalobject Program for the production "Arcoiris" (chc5297000030)
digitalobject Program for the production "Mamá, yo soy Fred Astaire" (chc5297000029)
digitalobject Program for the production "2 Comedias" (chc5297000027)
digitalobject Program for the production "La farándula pasa" (chc5297000026)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Galápago (chc5297000025)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, El tío Vania (chc5297000024)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Escándalo en la trapa (chc5297000023)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Fuenteovejuna (chc5297000022)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Kassandra (chc5297000021)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Palabras cuerpos (chc5297000020)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Cloaca (chc5297000019)
digitalobject Program for the production "El inspector" (chc5297000018)
digitalobject Program for the production "La pasión desobediente" (chc5297000017)
digitalobject Program for the production "Carne de perros" (chc5297000016)
digitalobject Program for the production "Los amantes" (chc5297000014)
digitalobject Program for the production "Todo X 1" (chc5297000013)
digitalobject Program for the production "Santa Cecilia" (chc5297000012)
digitalobject Program for the production "Decamerón" (chc5297000011)
digitalobject Program for the production "La toma de La Habana por los ingleses" (chc5297000010)
digitalobject Program for the production "Rascacielos" (chc5297000008)
digitalobject Program for the production "Tacón Tacón", its back is handwritten by Roberto Gacio (chc5297000007)
digitalobject Program for the production "Si vas a comer, espera por Virgilio" (chc5297000006)
digitalobject Program for the performance "Así quiero. La familia como teatro" (chc5297000005)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Águila y Dragones" (chc5297000002)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Chago de Guisa" (chc5136000022)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Bodas de sangre" (chc5136000015)
production Adiós y Welcome (Sala Teatro El Sótano)
production Alicia- en busca del conejo blanco (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production Antigonón: un contingente épico (Teatro Trianón, November 3, 2013)
production Aquiles y la tortuga (La Capilla de El Ciervo Encantado, March 22, 2013)
production Asamblea de las mujeres (Santiago de Cuba, 1988)
production Ay, Carmela (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 2014)
production Bel la Bella (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, October 31, 2013)
production Bodas de sangre (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, October 1980)
production Brigada 2506 (Sala Teatro El Sótano, 1974)
production Calígula (Sala Prometeo (1955-1956), June 17, 1955)
production Delantal todo sucio de huevo (Sala Osvaldo Dragún, October 25, 2013)
production El álbum (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, July 26, 2002)
production El baile (Sala Osvaldo Dragún, November 1, 2013)
production El cartero de Neruda (Unknown1, 2000)
production El caso de la luna (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, October 27, 2013)
production El cerco (Sala Teatro El Sótano, September 20, 2013)
production El ciervo encantado (Gran Teatro de La Habana, October 1996)
production El ciervo encantado (Gran Teatro de La Habana, October 18, 2018)
production El ciervo encantado (Sala El Ciervo Encantado, April 1997)
production El día que me quieras (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, January 21, 1989)
production Electra Garrigó (Teatro de la Escuela Municipal Valdés Rodríguez , October 23, 1948)
production Electra Garrigó (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, August 5, 2008)
production Electra Garrigó (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, April 27, 1997)
production Electra Garrigó (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1997)
production Electra o la caída de las máscaras (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, November 3, 2000)
production El flaco y el gordo (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, October 25, 2013)
production El mal corre (Sala Teatro Prometeo (1956-1958), May 25, 1957)
production El Salto (Unknown, 1982)
production El tiempo y los Conways (Espacios Unión - Auditorium, May 13, 1953)
production El tío Vania (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 25, 2010)
production El Tío Vania (Sala Argos Teatro, 2014)
production Estudio 44 (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 25, 2013)
production Falsa Alarma (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production Fíchenla, si pueden (Sala Argos Teatro, October 27, 2013)
production Final de partida (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 25, 2019)
production Final de partida (Sala Argos Teatro, October 30, 2009)
production Final de partida (Sala Argos Teatro, March 20, 2009)
production Historia de Monte adentro (Santiago de Cuba, 1980)
production Historia de una media naranja (Teatro de la Villa, October 28, 2013)
production Huevos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, March 11, 2009)
production Huevos (Akuara Teatro - Sala Avellaneda, November 16, 2013)
production Huevos (Sala Argos Teatro, August 2005)
production Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell That Was Once Her Heart (Unknown1, 2000)
production Jesús (Alcazar Cinemateque, July 22, 1994)
production La boda (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, December 15, 1994)
production La boda (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, May 25, 1994)
production La legionaria (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 27, 2013)
production La Legionaria (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 19, 2009)
production La Legionaria (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 29, 2006)
production La muchachita del mar (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, October 28, 2015)
production La muchachita del mar (Sala de Teatro La Edad de Oro, October 6, 2014)
production La mujer de carne y leche (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production La niñita querida (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1993)
production La ópera del mendigo (Unknown Venue - La Habana, 2003)
production La otra voz (Sala Teatro El Sótano, October 27, 2013)
production La ramera respetuosa (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, March 1960)
production Las criadas (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, November 6, 2004)
production Las lamentaciones de Obba Yurú (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production Las mariposas saltan al vacío (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production Las mariposas saltan al vacío (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, November 18, 1994)
production Las penas saben nadar (Teatro Tomás Terry, February 13, 1997)
production Las penas saben nadar (Espacios Unión - Auditorium, February 8, 1998)
production Las penas saben nadar (Sala Teatro Papalote, January 27, 2005)
production Las penas saben nadar (Teatro América, May 21, 2010)
production Las penas saben nadar (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1989)
production Las penas saben nadar (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, March 27, 1989)
production La última cena (La Capilla de El Ciervo Encantado, December 6, 2013)
production La virgencita de bronce (Casa de las Américas, October 2006)
production La virgencita de bronce (Teatro Nacional de Guiñol de Cuba, June 2005)
production Liborio (Unknown venue - Camagüey, September 16, 2004)
production Lo que le pasó a la cantante de baladas (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 2005)
production Los cuernos de Don Friolera (Santiago de Cuba, 1971)
production Los días felices (Sala Teatro El Sótano, March 14, 2003)
production Los días felices (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 13, 2006)
production Los días felices (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, October 20, 2001)
production Los fusiles (Sala Covarrubias, October 4, 1960)
production Los fusiles de la madre Carrar (Sala Ñico López, October 30, 1960)
production Los pícaros burlados (Teatro-Museo de títeres el arca, October 26, 2013)
production Los soles truncos (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, February 14, 1998)
production Los soles truncos (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, October 14, 2006)
production Los soles truncos (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, 2002)
production Madre coraje (Unknown, 1953)
production Mamíferos hablando con sus muertos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, May 2004)
production María Antonieta o La maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes (Teatro Trianón, 1999)
production María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, June 1, 2008)
production Mi onda es la de David (Matanzas, 1982)
production Misterios y pequeñas piezas (Sala Argos Teatro, October 18, 2018)
production Misterios y pequeñas piezas (Sala Argos Teatro, 2018)
production Molinos de Viento (Teatro Mella, March 6, 1984)
production Monosodium Glutamate (Unknown1, 1989)
production Narices (Teatro de la Orden Tercera, October 26, 2013)
production Nuestro pueblo (Unknown Venue - La Habana, October 1948)
production Oh, la gente (Teatro Musical de La Habana, 1963)
production Otelo (Teatro Mella, October 25, 2013)
production Perros que jamás ladraron (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production Qué importa saber quién soy (Sala Raquel Revuelta, October 27, 2013)
production Rascacielos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó)
production Réquiem por Yarini (La Habana , 1965)
production Romance en Charco Seco (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, December 3, 2013)
production Rompiendo cadenas (Manuel Artime Theater)
production Si me miras, si me besas (Teatro Musical de La Habana, 1988)
production Tembladera (Teatro Principal de la Comedia, 1942)
production The Ash Can and the Cobra (Unknown1, 1980)
production Tres locos de películas (Matanzas, 1985)
production Troya (Unknown Venue - La Habana)
production Un color para este miedo (Palacio de Bellas Artes, June 13, 1957)
production Un tranvía llamado deseo (La Habana , 1965)
production Zona (Cine Teatro City Hall, October 26, 2017)
writtenwork Electra Garrigó (Play script)
writtenwork El metodólogo (Play script)
writtenwork Éramos cuatro (Play script)
writtenwork Huevos (Play script)
writtenwork La legionaria (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Las criadas (Translation)
writtenwork Les Bonnes (Play script)
writtenwork Los días felices (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Los soles truncos (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork María Antonieta o La maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork María Estuardo o La estrella de su nombre se quemó (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Rascacielos (Play script)
writtenwork Romance en Charco Seco (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Un color para este miedo (Short story/stories)
creator Cid, Julio (815)
creator Egea, Eduardo, November 13, 1921- (10389)
creator Valdivia, Amilsy (9843)

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