Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Title Director Venue Date range
Waiting for to Go Unknown Venue - Miami (United States) 1985
Waterfall Robinson Hall, University of North Carolina- Charlotte (United States) 1983
Waterfall Center Stage (United States) 1983
Weekend en Bahía Giraldo Moisés Cine Teatro Miramar (Cuba), 1950's- 20th century
Weekend en Bahía Teatro de la Fábula (Argentina) 1989
Images available Weekend en Bahía José Bonilla, Kalent Zaiz Centro de la Cultura de Santiago (Dominican Republic)
Weekend en Bahía Miriam Lezcano Sala Central Lechera (Spain) 1987
Weekend en Bahía Miriam Lezcano Teatro Nacional de Cuba (Cuba), 1960- 1987
Weekend en Bahía Ramiro Herrero Beatón Unknown Venue - Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) 1991
Welcome Abuela Leopoldo Morales Teatro Artefactus (no usar este) (United States), October 15, 2016- September 2, 2022 - September 4, 2022

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