Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Title Director Venue Date range
Images available Twelve Ophelias (Text with Songs) Debbie Saivetz The Rose Nagelberg Theatre, Baruch Performing Arts Center (United States) March 30, 2004 - April 4, 2004
Twelve Ophelias (Text with Songs) 45 Bleecker Theater (United States) 2003
Twelve Ophelias (Text with Songs) Hartt School for the Arts, University of Hartford (United States) 2004
Twenty Shadows Alex Correia Kirk Theater (United States) January 21, 2006 - January 22, 2006
Two Old Folks in a Panic Acme Theatre (United States) May 22, 1988
Two Sisters and a Piano Loretta Greco The Public Theater (United States) February 15, 1999
Two Sisters and a Piano Loretta Greco South Coast Repertory (United States) April 27, 1999
Two Sisters and a Piano Alliance Theatre - Hertz Stage (Studio Theatre) (United States) 1999
Two Sisters and a Piano Margaret M. Ledford Mailman Hollywood Theatre Nova Southeastern University (United States) February 29, 2008 - March 16, 2008
Two Sisters and a Piano The Studio Theater (United States) November 2001

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