Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Newspaper clippings about the theatrical production, Francesco: The Life and Times of the Cencisproduction, Baños Públicos, S. A. (cta0075000008)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, Baños públicos, S.A. (cta0075000006)
digitalobject Invitation for reading, Teatro cubano actual (cta0067000447)
digitalobject Invitation for the Celebration of XXVI Anniversary of the Landing of the Granma Yacht (cta0057000047)
digitalobject Poster for the Tour of Grupo Teatro Escambray to the United States and Canada (cta0057000046)
digitalobject Letter from Rodrigo Duarte-Calrk to Esther Suárez (cta0057000045)
digitalobject Objectives for the East Coast-West Coast Teatro Brigade (cta0057000044)
digitalobject Program for the first North American Brigade of Cultural Workers to Cuba (cta0057000043)
digitalobject Letter from Cuban Ministry of Culture about Delegation Nuevo Teatro (cta0057000042)
digitalobject Photographs of Ana Olivarez during her period of training and coexistence with Grupo Teatro Escambray in La Macagua (cta0057000040)
digitalobject Photographs of members of the Group Teatro Escambray (cta0057000039)
digitalobject Photographs of Ana Olivarez’s leisure activities during her training with Grupo Teatro Escambray in Cuba (cta0057000038)
digitalobject Photographs of the daily life of members of Teatro Escambray in La Macagua (cta0057000037)
digitalobject Photographs of peasants' daily activities in La Macagua (cta0057000036)
digitalobject Photographs of Ana Olivarez and members of Teatro Escambray (cta0057000035)
digitalobject Photographs of a coffee harvest in the mountains taken by actress Ana Olivarez-Levinson in the Escambray (cta0057000034)
digitalobject Photographs of Santiago de Cuba (cta0057000033)
digitalobject Photographs of Septeto Escambray (cta0057000032)
digitalobject Photographs of Teatro Esperanza in Havana (cta0057000031)
digitalobject Photographs of rehearsal for the theatrical production, Paraíso Recobrado (cta0057000029)
digitalobject Photopraphs of the production Molinos de Viento 1984 (cta0057000028)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, La más fuerte (cta0057000025)
digitalobject Photographs of Carlos Embale and Septeto Nacional Ignacio Piñeiro in Santiago de Cuba (cta0057000024)
digitalobject Photographs of the East Coast-West Coast Teatro Brigade doing construction work (cta0057000023)
digitalobject Photographs of Hanabanilla, by Ana Olivarez (cta0057000021)
digitalobject Photographs of the Inauguration of the Círculo Juvenil Jibacoa at the Escambray Mountains (cta0057000020)
digitalobject Photographs of the shooting of the film Como la Vida Misma at the Escambray (cta0057000019)
digitalobject Photographs of Gilda Hernández and Teatro Escambray's members (cta0057000018)
digitalobject Photographs of Ana Olivarez Digging up a Bomb Shelter at Escambray (cta0057000016)
digitalobject Photographs of Chicana Actress Ana Olivarez in Havana (cta0057000015)
digitalobject Photographs of the production Ramona (cta0057000014)
digitalobject Photographs of Teatro de la Esperanza at the Plaza of the Revolution (cta0057000013)
digitalobject Photographs of the East and West Coast Teatro Brigade visiting the Grupo Cubana de Acero in their rehearsal studio (cta0057000012)
digitalobject Photograph of Grupo Teatro Escambray in Santa Barbara, US (cta0057000005)
digitalobject Photographs of the East Coast-West Coast Teatro Brigade (cta0057000004)
digitalobject Photographs of rehearsal of the theatrical production, La Víctima (cta0057000002)
digitalobject Photographs of Ana Olivarez-Levinson teaching a massage workshop at La Macagua (cta0057000001)
digitalobject Clipping of Light Up the Sky (cta0029000531)
digitalobject Postcard for the production, Ana en el trópico (cta0029000377)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, El baile (cta0018000002)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Las penas saben nadar (cta0017000198)
digitalobject Vida y mentira de Lila Ruiz (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000061)
digitalobject Sanguivin en Union City (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000060)
digitalobject Se ruega puntualidad (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000059)
digitalobject El Super (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000058)
digitalobject Exilio (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000057)
digitalobject La belleza del padre (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000056)
digitalobject La fiesta (La Habana, Reading) (cta0009000055)
digitalobject El último bolero (cta0005000020)
digitalobject Newspaper Clipping for the theatrical Production, Revoltillo (chc5257000012)
digitalobject Newspaper clipping for the theatrical production, Revoltillo (chc5257000010)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Revoltillo (chc5257000004)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, Parece Blanca (chc5131000157)
digitalobject Photograph of Jack Betts in Havana (ASU0061000010)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members on a tour in Havana (ASU0061000009)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members in front of the Capitol (ASU0061000008)
digitalobject Photograph of Jo Herman in Havana hotel room (ASU0061000007)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members in Havana hotel lobby (ASU0061000006)
digitalobject Photograph of Jo Herman in Havana hotel lobby (ASU0061000005)
digitalobject Photograph of Dena Radoff and Jo Herman in Havana hotel lobby (ASU0061000004)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members in front of store window sign announcing the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky (ASU0061000003)
digitalobject Photograph of store window sign announcing the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky (ASU0061000002)
digitalobject Photograph of the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky (ASU0061000001)
production Abrázame fuerte (Fundación Ludwig, 2004)
production Aire frío (University of Miami Jerry Herman Ring Theater, August 17, 2012)
production Ana en el trópico (Teatro Trianón, October 28, 2013)
production Ana en el trópico (Colony Theatre, November 22, 2013)
production Antigonón: un contingente épico (Miami Dade County Auditorium, January 6, 2015)
production Baños públicos, S.A. (Repertorio Español, 2000)
production Canto del pozo ciego (Sala Teatro El Sótano, July 2010)
production Carrying Water in a Sieve (University of Miami Jerry Herman Ring Theater, September 14, 2012)
production Casa propia (Fundación Ludwig, February 18, 2004)
production Cubalandia (Colony Theatre, June 14, 2013)
production Delirio habanero (Miami Dade County Auditorium, October 20, 2011)
production Departures (Artefactus Black Box, November 9, 2018)
production El álbum (Koubek Center (Miami Dade College), May 3, 2001)
production El baile (También podría titularse El collar) (Gramercy Arts Theater, November 11, 1999)
production El enano en la botella (Koubek Center (Miami Dade College), May 3, 2001)
production El enano en la botella (Gramercy Arts Theater, May 22, 2001)
production El juego de Electra (University of Miami Jerry Herman Ring Theater, August 24, 2012)
production El Super (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, February 14, 2012)
production El último bolero (Light Box, Miami Light Project, April 12, 2002)
production El último bolero (Unknown Venue - La Habana, 2001)
production En cualquier otro lugar menos éste (Fundación Ludwig, February 19, 2004)
production Esperando a Odiseo (Florida International University Wertheim Performing Art Center, April 27, 2001)
production If you are going to pull a knife, USAlo (Miami Dade County Auditorium, September 8, 2011)
production If you are going to pull a knife, USAlo (Teatro Trianón, October 30, 2011)
production La belleza del padre (Centro Cultural Bertolt Brecht, February 17, 2012)
production La casa de Bernarda Alba (Gramercy Arts Theater, March 18, 1999)
production Lagarto Pisabonito (Florida International University Wertheim Performing Art Center, April 29, 2001)
production La más fuerte (La Macagua, 1984)
production La octava puerta (Koubek Center (Miami Dade College), May 6, 2001)
production Las lamentaciones de Obba Yurú (Florida International University Wertheim Performing Art Center, April 29, 2001)
production Las penas saben nadar (Gramercy Arts Theater, October 8, 1996)
production Las penas saben nadar (Gramercy Arts Theater, 1999)
production Las penas saben nadar (Gramercy Arts Theater, 1999)
production Las penas saben nadar (Florida International University Wertheim Performing Art Center, April 28, 2001)
production Light Up the Sky (Teatro de la Escuela Municipal Valdés Rodríguez , March 16, 1950)
production Lorca con un vestido verde (Fundación Ludwig, February 20, 2004)
production Los días felices (Café Teatro Kimbara Cumbara, January 12, 2007)
production Los siervos (University of Miami Jerry Herman Ring Theater, August 31, 2012)
production Parece blanca (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, September 12, 2002)
production Parece blanca (African Heritage Cultural Arts Center - Black Box, October 2002)
production Parece blanca (Gramercy Arts Theater, January 28, 2000)
production Parece blanca (Gramercy Arts Theater, October 29, 1998)
production Parece blanca (Teatro La Caridad, September 19, 2002)
production Parece blanca (Teatro Sauto, September 22, 2002)
production Por el monte Carulé (Byron Carlyle Theatre, May 1, 2011)
production Revoltillo (Gramercy Arts Theater, September 8, 1998)
production Revoltillo (Teatro La Caridad, October 1, 1998)
production Revoltillo (Teatro Sauto, September 29, 1998)
production Revoltillo (Gramercy Arts Theater, November 5, 1987)
production Revoltillo (Teatro Principal de Camagüey, October 3, 1998)
production Revoltillo (Sala Teatro Hubert de Blanck, September 26, 1998)
production Sonia se fue (Centro de Convenciones Santa Cecilia, October 7, 2018)
production Sonia se fue (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 5, 2018)
production Triunfadela (Centro Cultural Español Miami (2014-), December 10, 2015)
production Una caja de zapatos vacía (University of Miami Jerry Herman Ring Theater, September 7, 2012)
production Un poco de aire frío (Florida International University Wertheim Performing Art Center, April 28, 2001)
production Vagos rumores (Gramercy Arts Theater, October 8, 1996)
production Vagos rumores (Gramercy Arts Theater, October 13, 1998)
production Yellow Dream Rd. (Miami Dade County Auditorium, October 19, 2015)
production Yellow Dream Rd. (Teatro Trianón, December 4, 2015)
writtenwork Abrázame fuerte (Translation)
writtenwork Baños Públicos S.A. (Play script)
writtenwork Casa propia (Play script)
writtenwork El super (Play script)
writtenwork En cualquier otro lugar menos éste (Translation)
writtenwork Light Up the Sky (Play script)
writtenwork Lorca con un vestido verde (Translation)
writtenwork Revoltillo (Translation)
writtenwork Teatro cubano actual (Anthology)
creator El Teatro de la Esperanza (5181)

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