Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Don Quijote Experimental Children's Theatre, Inc.

Nonprofit, professional, multi-ethnic company of eight actors and actresses, an artistic director, a stage manager, and a technical director. The ensemble used improvisation, music, dance, mime, and puppetry in their performances. Their work was aimed primarily at elementary school children, teachers, and parents. The theatre group created and performed entertaining and educational plays for children. This group was the only touring bilingual children's theatre in New York and the Northeast. The plays reflected cross-cultural situations at home, at school, and on the street. Services available included performances and workshops in acting, mime, puppetry, and clowning for children in grades 1-6. Performance fees ranged from $400 to $600. Workshops ranged from $300 - $600. The theatre performed regularly throughout the New York metropolitan area in elementary schools and junior high schools, community and day-care centers, libraries, museums, parks, and hospitals. The company was also available for touring. (Information taken from Guidebook to Hispanic Organizations and Information.)

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