Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Written Works

Title Creators Creation date
Love of Don Perlimplín for Belisa in the Garden (Translation)

Author / Playwright:

Caridad Svich
Lovers and Keepers (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

María Irene Fornés
Lo zen o l'arte di scopare (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Dario Fo,

Author / Playwright:

Franca Ramé,

Author / Playwright:

Jacopo Fo
Images available Luces (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Gilberto Subiaurt
Images available Lucinda Caval (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Caridad Svich
LUCKY (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Phanésia Pharel
Images available Lucy (Musical)


Anam Munar,

Author / Playwright:

María Julia Casanova
Images available Lucy Loves Me (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Migdalia Cruz
Images available Luisa Fernanda (Zarzuela)

Author / Playwright:

Federico Romero,

Author / Playwright:

Guillermo F Shaw,


Federico Moreno Torroba
Lulu Ascending (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Caridad Svich

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