Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Written Works

Title Creators Creation date
Images available Farsa maravillosa del gato con botas (Adaptation / Version)


Félix Lizárraga
Farsantes (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Elvira María Van Brakle
Farsa Quijotesca (Translation)

Author / Playwright:

Ralph Schusler
Farsa Quixotesca (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Hugo Possolo
Farsa y justicia del corregidor (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Alejandro Casona
Faust (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Fausto (Adaptation / Version)


Roberto Barcena,


Raúl Sansica
Fausto (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Reinaldo Montero
Favez (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Alberto Corona,

Author / Playwright:

Liliana Lam
Fear and Misery of the Third Reich/Furcht und Elend des Drittes Reichs (Play script)

Author / Playwright:

Bertolt Brecht

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