Cuban Theater Digital Archive

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

Adaptation / Version (English)


One night in a town that was forgotten in time, somewhere close to the Caribbean Sea, La Luna, the moon, descends through the sky to ride her blue bicycle through the streets. Her magnetism draws gypsies and hurricanes, clouds of miracles, and a very old man with enormous wings - a mysterious creature who falls from the sky. Although Fefe and Momo, the two children who find him, are at first afraid, when they look into his eyes, they know he means them no harm. He can't speak, yet they understand him. They believe he is an angel. Once discovered by other villagers, the old man becomes a symbol of what they want or need him to be - he is at once angel and freak, an answer to prayers and a money-making sideshow. The story explores the powerful faith and imagination of children, what a father will do to support his family, and the kind of magic that exists in every day reality.

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings was developed in Children's Theatre Company's new play lab, THRESHOLD and is Nilo Cruz' first play for young people. Financial support for the development of A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings was provided in part by the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
(Information taken from

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