Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000037)
digitalobject Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000036)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000035)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000034)
digitalobject Article, "Los días felices" (cta0063000033)
digitalobject Nara Mansur about the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000032)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000031)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000030)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000029)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000028)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000027)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000026)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000025)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000024)
digitalobject Review of the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000023)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000022)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000021)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000020)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000019)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los días felices" (cta0063000018)
digitalobject Press release for the production, "Los soles truncos" (cta0063000012)
digitalobject Press release for the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0028000010)
digitalobject Photograph of José Luis Hidalgo (Nagg) and Deysi Sánchez (Neill) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000063)
digitalobject Photograph of José Luis Hidalgo (Nagg) and Deysi Sánchez (Neill) in the theatricalproduction, Final de Partida (cta0024000062)
digitalobject Photograph of Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000061)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000060)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000059)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000058)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000057)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000056)
digitalobject Photograph of Pancho García (Hamm) and Waldo Franco (Clov) in the theatrical production, Final de Partida (cta0024000055)
production Final de partida (Sala Argos Teatro, October 30, 2009)
production Final de partida (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, October 25, 2019)
production Final de partida (Sala Argos Teatro, March 20, 2009)
production Los días felices (Sala Teatro El Sótano, March 14, 2003)
production Los días felices (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, April 13, 2006)
production Los días felices (Café Teatro Kimbara Cumbara, January 12, 2007)
production Los días felices (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, October 20, 2001)
writtenwork Fin de partie (Endgame) (Literary antecedent)
writtenwork Los días felices (Adaptation / Version)

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