Pain Under Key/Dolore Sotto Chiave
Play script
One Act Play
Song of the uneven days
Plot: Rocco Capasso, engineer in Sardinia, returns without warning to house of the Lucia sister, than from eleven months it is taken care of its moglie Elena, in life end, and it prevents to see it it, since l'emozione could kill it. Rocco, exasperated protrarsi of the agony, enters violentemente in the room of Elena and with great surprise it discovers it empty. Lucia confesses to it that the woman is died much time before, but that, in order not arrecargli pain, have hidden they the truth. Rocco is furious, since from some time it loves a woman who is for dargli a son, but this, tired to wait for, is decided hour to leave with an other man. While the neighbors arrive for portargli theirs cordoglio, but to Rocco it has been embezzled the pain and the mourning.