Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, Juan Jaragán y los machos (Santiago de Cuba, 1975) (cta0075000002)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, En busca de una antigua ilusión (cta0067000044)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000056)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000055)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000054)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000053)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000052)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000051)
digitalobject Photograph of Daniel Mena, José Ramón Marcos and Sergio González in a location of Teatro Escambray (cta0046000074)
digitalobject Potograph of Teatro Escambray and children (cta0046000073)
digitalobject Troya (Cuba, 2013) (cta0009000202)
production En busca de una antigua ilusión (Camagüey, Camagüey, Cuba, October 6, 2014)
production Juan Jaragan y los Diablos (Santiago de Cuba, 1975)
production La vitrina (La Macagua, January 1971)
writtenwork Juan Jaragan y los Diablos (Play script)
creator Teatro Callejero Medioambiental, 2009- (9867)

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