Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Photographs of rehearsal for the theatrical production, Paraíso Recobrado (cta0057000029)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, La más fuerte (cta0057000025)
digitalobject Photographs of the audience in the production, "El juicio" (cta0046000089)
digitalobject Photograph of Julio Medina in the production, "Fabriles" (cta0046000087)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Los novios" (cta0046000081)
digitalobject Photograph of Roberto Orihuela and Estrella Guerra, Teatro Escambray (cta0046000079)
digitalobject Photographs of Sergio Corrieri and Elio Martín in the production "El juicio" (cta0046000077)
digitalobject Photograph of Daniel Mena, José Ramón Marcos and Sergio González in a location of Teatro Escambray (cta0046000074)
digitalobject Potograph of Teatro Escambray and children (cta0046000073)
production El juicio (La Macagua, 1973)
production Fabriles (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, 1991)
production La más fuerte (La Macagua, 1984)
production La vitrina (La Macagua, January 1971)
production Los novios (La Macagua)
production Molinos de viento (Teatro Nacional de Cuba, January 21, 1984)
production Paraíso recobrado (La Macagua, 1984)
writtenwork Cuba y la noche (Play script)
writtenwork El juicio (Play script)
writtenwork El paraíso recobrado (Play script)

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