Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Lolita de Lares

Directing team: +

Name Function(s)
Frankie Dávila Assistant Director
José Díaz Musical Director
Brendan McCarthy Technical Director
Edward F Torres Director

Cast: +

Name Role(s)
Michelle Banks Vejigante Estrella
Felipe Camacho Vejigante Blanco
Andrew Carrillo Taíno Indian
Frankie Dávila Rafael Cancel Miranda
Justina Machado Lolita niña
Laurie Martinez DreamTour Guide
Gustavo Mellado Ramón Emeterio Betances
Maricela Ochoa Lolita Anciana
Daniel Sanchez Vejigante Azul
John Carlos Seda Priest
Steve Weaver Carmelo

Design team: +

Name Function(s)
Michelle Banks Costume designer
Angelica Gutierrez Props designer
Joel Klaff Production Designer
María Pérez Image Design
Juan Ramirez Light designer
Carlos Tamayo Choreographer
Andrés Vera de Martínez Scenographic Designer
Jeff Webb Sound/Soundtrack Designer

Technical team: +

Name Function(s)
David Jackson Special effects technician
Charlie Jáimes Light operator
Raul Jáimes Stage / production manager
James M. Kent Photographer

Production team: +

Name Function(s)
Gregorio Gómez Production Coordinator

Notes: +

From Midgalia Cruz

Travel: The journey to this play has been paved with the power of knowledge and the pain of not knowing enough- about my culture, music, literature, and, especially, politics. It was an honor to explore the life of a woman everyone should know about-not just because of her politics or nationality- but because of her spirit. The story of Lolita Lebron is a story about the survival of dreams in a world that no longer tolerates idealism. 

Road conditions: This play is fact mixed with fiction based on my own interpretation of events, poetry, and music- a necessity raised by research I did which varied wildly: anecdotes, documents, even "facts" were different from source to source.

Destination: Lolita gave me back my dreams, forced me to look at my own politics, and most importantly, fed my spirit and my soul. The journey of this play was a journey home. 

From Edward F. Torres

When I first started working on this project, I thought I knew everything there was to know about Puerto Rico-its people, history and music. However, during the rehearsal process for LOLITA de LARES, I quickly realized that I really knew very little about my mother's country. 

To begin to understand my culture, I had to examine the political issues that had a profound impact on Puerto Rico's past, present, and future. Being involved in the production stirred my political consciousness. Lolita Lebron has become to me a symbol of Truth, Commitment, Strength, Spirit, and Hope. Without any of these elements, it is difficult for anyone to truly understand the plight of Puerto Rico. The plight of our people. 

Author: Gabriela Hernandez (Spring 2021)

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