Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Helga & Esther: Stockholm 1944

Website: Link

Directing team: +

Name Function(s)
Adrian Alexander Alea Director

Cast: +

Name Role(s)
Heidi Carlsen Actor / actress
Brett Conway Actor / actress
Pilar García Brown Actor / actress
Steve Ortiz Actor / actress

Design team: +

Name Function(s)
Claire Calderón Stage Manager
Brett Conway Choreographer
Ben Kutner Music artist

Notes: +

Esther is a poet, a refugee from Nazi Germany, now in Stockholm with her ailing mother but facing deportation back to Berlin. Helga, a visionary Swedish painter, becomes her intimate friend and confidante. These two driven artists are thrown together as the last winter of World War II approaches and Helga hides Esther in her dilapidated country barn. Both are coming to terms with loves lost, political betrayal, uncertain legacies, and the price of neutrality. HELGA & ESTHER is a play about the enduring need for art, allegiances, and love in dangerous times. 


Author: Helen Hernandez Hormilla (11/2018)

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