Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Añorada Cuba

Directing team: +

Name Function(s)
Pili de la Rosa Director

Design team: +

Name Function(s)
Demetrio Menéndez Set designer

Notes: +


Pili de la Rosa designed the dramaturgy based on staged estampas or cultural skits in which children and adolescents dubbed famous singers. The first part included "The Havana of Yesteryears," "Zarzuelas and Operettas," "Afro-Cuba," and "Danzones," among others. The second part was composed of musical numbers which included a comparsa, a music and dance number typical of Afro-Caribbean carnivals. They always finished with a staging based on the Virgin of Charity, patron saint of Cuba.



1st performance - Milander Auditorium, Hialeah, FL

May 1964 - University of Florida Auditorium, Ganesville, FL

August-September 1964 - Miami-Dade County Auditorium, Miami, FL

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