Digital Objects
Con ciertas mujeres
Conciertos de fin de año
Congratulations to Havanafama!
Con Lorca en el horizonte, un poco de historia
Contact Sheets
Conversación en la casa Stein sobre el ausente Señor Von Goeth
Copy of a photograph of Francisco Morín and Teresa Rojas, with a handwritten note by Morín
Copy of a photograph of the production, "Calígula" with a handwritten note by Francisco Morín
Copy of a Photograph of María Suárez and René Sánchez in the production, "Laboremus"
Copies of photographs of the production, "Un tal Judas"
Copies of a photograph of Myriam Acevedo with two handwritten notes by Francisco Morín
Copies of photographs of the production, "Delito en la isla de las cabras," handwritten notes by Francisco Morín