Cast from the production, "Prometeo"
Casting call for the theatrical production, Nocturno
Cast, in "Picnic"
Cast of artists, "Teleyara"
Cast of Repertorio Español with Abelardo Estorino and Adria Santana in the offices of Repertorio
Cast, "Persecución"
Catalogue for the 3er Festival del Monólogo Latinoamericano
Catalogue for the exhibit, Seguirá tocando tres veces. La obra de Tony Díaz
Catalogue for the exhibit, Zenén Calero . . . un retablo entre el sol y la luna
Cecilia Dighero (with mask), Manuel Yesckas, Gloria Zelaya and Edwin Avila in the theatrical production, Rasputin
Cena de cuentos II
Centro Hispano-Americano de Cultura
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