Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar and Teatro de Las Estaciones in Mallorca
Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar and Teatro de Las Estaciones in Mexico
Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar, Fara Madrigal, Freddy Maragotto and Migdalia Seguí in the production, "Pelusín y los pájaros"
Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar in Granada
Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar with the book "Mito, verdad y retablo"
Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar y Dora Alonso
Photograph of Rubén Rabasa, Iván Acosta, Orestes Matachena, Reimundo Hidalgo Gato
Photograph of Sala Pepe Camejo
Photograph of Sergio González, Carlos Pérez Peña, and Pedro Rentería during a rehearsal, Teatro Escambray
Photograph of stage design for the theatrical production, Los siete contra Tebas
Photograph of stage for the theatrical production, Sanguivin in Union City
Photograph of store window sign announcing the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky
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