Photograph of Micheline Calvert, Yvonne López Arenal, Mabel Roch, Teresa María Rojas, and Laura Zarrrabeitia
Photograph of Migdalia Seguí (Dama 2) in the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa
Photograph of Minin Bujones
Photograph of Mirta Beltrán Camejo, Norge Espinosa, and Rubén Darío Salazar
Photograph of Moises Pérez Coterillo, Pedro Monge Rafuls and Rine Leal
Photograph of Myriam Acevedo
Photograph of Myriam Acevedo in the production, "La ramera respetuosa" (Havana, 1960)
Photograph of Myriam Acevedo in the theatrical production, La noche de los asesinos
Photograph of Nelson González in the theatrical production, Cheo Malanga
Photograph of Nelson González in the theatrical production, Cheo Malanga
Photograph of Nelson González in the theatrical production, Cheo Malanga
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