Advertising for the theatrical festival, 9 Semana de Teatro Alemán
Advertising for the theatrical production, La isla de los hombres solos (Costa Rica)
Advertising postcard for "Casandra. Festival Internacional de Teatro Dedicado a la Mujer"
Advertising Postcard for the festival, "Out in the Tropics"
Advertising postcard for the production, "Nevada"
Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, Born in East Berlin
Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, "Huevos"
Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell That Was Once Her Heart (A Rave Fable)
Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, Las penas que no me matan
Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, "Por el monte, Carulé"
Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, Road to Heaven
Advertising Postcards de "La sal de los muertos", Akuara Teatro
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