Program for the festival, International Hispanic Theatre Festival / Festival Internacional de Teatro Hispano VII
Program for the theatrical production, Las vacas gordas
Photograph of the theatrical production, Las vacas gordas
Photograph of the theatrical production, Las vacas gordas
Photograph of two persons in a bridge
Teresa María Rojas (Clitemnestra Plá) and José Zubero (Agamenón Garrigó), in "Electra Garrigó"
Program for the theatrical production, "La aprendiz de bruja"
Invitation for the production, "Cordero de Dios"
Program for the production, "Cordero de Dios"
Teresa María Rojas (Madre Miriam) and Alina Interián (Doctora Marta Livingstone), in "Cordero de Dios"
Program for the theatrical production, Electra Garrigó
Scene from the production, "Contacto en Madrid"
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