Photographs of the theatrical production, Morir del cuento
Program for the theatrical production, Antígona (La Habana, 1941)
Best direction to Doris Gutiérrez and Mónica Guffanti in the production, "Las criadas"
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the production, “Fuenteovejuna”
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the theatrical production, Fuenteovejuna
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the theatrical production, Fuenteovejuna
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro and Grettel Trujillo in the production, “Fuenteovejuna”
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the theatrical production, Fuenteovejuna
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the theatrical production, Fuenteovejuna
Photograph of Déxter Cápiro in the theatrical production, Fuente Ovejuna
Photograph of the theatrical production, Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell That Was Once Her Heart (A Rave Fable)
Nara Mansur about the production, "Los días felices"
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