Micheline Calvert Digital Collection
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This collection includes digital assets of photographs, programs, and newspaper clippings, donated by the artist. The images were scanned by the Centro de Estudios del Diseño Escénico in Havana, Cuba. The physical materials remain with the artist. Metadata was created by Lina Jardines del Cueto. The digital collection was revised and published by Lillian Manzor (2015).
Copyright: Creative Commons: Attribution, Non-commercial, No derivatives 3.0.
News of the production, Caminando y Cantando
News of the production, Doña Rosita la soltera
News of the production, El No
News of the production, El travieso Jimmy
News of the production, Encuentro en el parque peligroso
News of the production, La casa de Bernarda Alba
News of the production, La dama boba
News of the production, Los asombrosos cuentos de Benedetti
News of the production, Los soles truncos
News of the production, Los soles truncos
News of the production, Morir del cuento