Rosa Ileana Boudet Digital Collection
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This collection consists of photographs, programs, magazines, and manuscripts collected for over 50 years by renowned Cuban theater scholar Rosa Ileana Boudet. Metadata was created by Dainerys Machado Vento. Digital collection was revised and published by Lillian Manzor (2018).
If you use any of these images, please credit as follows: Rosa Ileana Boudet Digital Collection, Cuban Theater Digital Archive.
Copyright: Creative Commons: Attribution, Non-commercial, No derivatives 3.0.
Program for Mayo Teatral 2006
Program for the production, "Aire frío" (Havana, 1962)
Program for the production "La boda"
Program for the production, "La niñita querida"
Program for the production, "Los siervos"
Program for the production, "Manteca"
Program for the production, "Mar nuestro"
Program for the theatrical production, Manteca