Manolo Torrente / Alfonso Camiña-Muiña (Alfonso Martín)
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This collection includes programs and photographs of productions by Manolo Torrente, dancer and choreographer who founded Latin Fire Follies in the 1960s. The physical materials were lent by Alfonso Martín, his nephew, to be scanned for the Cuban Theater Digital archive.
Copyright: Creative Commons: Attribution, Non-commercial, No derivatives 3.0.
Copyright: Creative Commons: Reconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd): No se permite un uso comercial de la obra original ni la generación de obras derivadas.
Clipping, "Manolo Torrente en México"
Clipping, "Se nos ha apagado otra estrella..."
Clipping, "Singing with María Margarita Martínez Casado"
Escrito de Manolo Torrente
Flyer for the musical review, "Espíritu Burlón"
Flyer for the production, "El amor todo lo puede"
Flyer for the production, "Latin Fire"
Flyer for the production, "Manolo Torrente: Around the World"
Flyer for the production, "Todo mi amor"
Photograph of Manolo Torrente
Photograph of Manolo Torrente and Gina Romand
Program for the production, "Latin Fire"