Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Abelardo Estorino

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    This collection includes digital assets of photographs, programs, newspaper clippings, director's notebooks, and videos belonging to Cuban playwirhgt and diretor Abelardo Estorino. The physical materials were processed and the images were scanned by Odalys Moreno at the Centro de Estudios del Diseño Escénico in Havana, Cuba. The videos were digitized by the Cuban Theater Digital Archive at the University of Miami Libraries. Metadata was created by Ximena Valdivia with the assistance of Alberto Sarraín. The digital assets were stored originally in two sets of CDs; one set remained in Cuba at the Centro de Estudios del diseño Escénico. The second set was brought to Miami; digital assets were stored at the Univerversity of Miami Libraries' Cuban Theater Digital Archive server; lower resolution derivatives were uploaded to this digital archive.

    Copyright: Creative Commons: Attribution, Non-commercial, No derivatives 3.0.




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