Pedro Monge Rafuls
Photograph of Moises Pérez Coterillo, Pedro Monge Rafuls and Rine Leal
Photograph of Nicolás Dorr and Pedro Monge Rafuls on the ferry to Staten Island
Photograph of Pedro Monge Rafuls and Julio Matas
Photograph of Reinaldo Montero and Pedro Monge Rafuls
Photograph of the theatrical production, Easy Money
Photograph of Yunior García and Pedro Monge Rafuls
Photographs of Pedro Monge Rafuls and various Cuban playwrights in La Habana
Photographs of Pedro Monge Rafuls, María Irene Fornés and José Triana
Postcard for the staged reading, Lágrimas del alma
Program for the staged reading, Estamos desafinados
Set design for the theatrical production, La palangana