Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Gustavo Ott

Director, producer, author / playwright

Gustavo Ott (born in Caracas, Venezuela, 1963) holds a B.A. in Mass Communications from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Caracas, Venezuela. In Fall 1993 he was a participant in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa.

Ott's plays have been widely produced not only in Venezuela (22 productions), but also abroad (19 productions) including Spain, Italy, the United States, Peru, England, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Denmark, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. “Divorcees, Evangelists and Vegetarians” (1991) and “Pavlov”(1992) were translated into English by Raúl Moncada (Old Globe Theater, San Diego) while “Minor Leagues” (1994), "Who Ever Said I was a Good Girl?"(1994), "Fat Chicks" (1995), "Passport" (1997) "Stiffed" (Screenplay) ,“80 Teeth, 4 feet & 500 Pounds”, “Two Loves and a Creature” and “Your Molotov Kisses” were translated by Heather McKay (University of Iowa). Also, in 2003 a new translation of “Divorcées, Evangelists, and Vegetarians” was made by Heather McKay. "Red Sky at Night" was translated by David Mintz (Rutgers, New York). Ott was selected in 2002 by the Joseph Papp Public Theater in New York for the program “New Work Now”, directed by Tlaloc Rivas. Also, in 2003 the Public Theater choose another of his plays, “Two Loves and a Creature” for the same program while the “La Mousson d’ete” selected “Photomaton” for their “La Mousson a Paris” program in la Comedie Francaise in Paris for May 2003 directed by Michael Dydim

Ott's plays have been translated into several languages, including Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, German, French, Czech, Russian, and Polish. Ott’s plays have been published in English by Meriwether Press.

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