Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Gabriel García Márquez

Author / playwright

Latin-American author of novels and short stories, a central figure in the so-called magic realism movement in Latin-American literature.
He grew up with his maternal grandparent - his grandfather was a pensioned colonel from the civil war at the beginning of the century. He went to a Jesuit college and began to read law, but his studies were soon broken off for his work as a journalist. In 1954 he was sent to Rome on an assignment for his newspaper, and since then he has mostly lived abroad - in Paris, New York, Barcelona and Mexico - in a more or less compulsory exile. Besides his large output of fiction he has written screenplays and has continued to work as a journalist.

Notes: +

    Main works in Spanish:

    La hojarasca
    El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
    La mala hora
    Los funerales de la Mamá Grande
    Cien anos de soledad
    Relato de un náufrago
    La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada
    Chile, el golpe y los gringos
    Ojos de perro azul
    Cuando era feliz e indocumentado
    El otono del patriarca
    Todos los cuentos
    Obra periodística completa
    Crónica de una muerte anunciada
    El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve: el verano feliz de la señora Forbes
    Viva Sandino
    Noticia de un secuestro
    El asalto: el operativo con el FSLN se lanzo al mundo
    El amor en los tiempos de cólera
    El general en su laberinto
    Doce cuentos peregrinos
    Vivir para contarla (memoirs)

    Main works in English:
    Leaf Storm, and Other Stories
    No One Writes to the Colonel
    An Evil Hour
    Big Mama's Funeral
    One Hundred Years of Solitude
    Innocent Eréndira, and Other Stories 
    The Autumn of the Patriarch
    Chronicle of a Death Foretold
    Collected Stories
    Love in the Time of Cholera 
    Collected Novellas 
    The General in his Labyrinth Living to Tell the Tale (memoirs)
    Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Awards: +

Year Category Award Result
1982 None Nobel Prize Winner

Bibliography: +

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