Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Emilio Cueto

Director, author / playwright

Emilio Cueto lived in Cuba until the completion of his high school studies at the Colegio de Belén. In exile since 1961, he claims that a quarter century of residence in New York changed him forever. In 1992 he moved to Washington, D.C., where he currently works as an attorney for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Cueto was the Guest Curator and author of the notes to the catalog for the exhibition, Colonial Cuba Through Foreign Eyes(Jersey City, New Jersey, 1982). He has also written "A Short Guide to Cuban Prints" (Cuban Studies, Pittsburgh, Winter 1984) and "Las láminas del paseo pintoresco por la isla de Cuba" (Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, Havana, July-Dec. 1990). In 1994, Cueto published his book Mialhe's Colonial Cuba based on the visual work of painter Fréderic Mialhe, "a pioneer in incorporating the newly invented technique of photography as an aid in his lithographic endeavors."

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