Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Tlaloc Rivas


TLALOC RIVAS has been a producer, director, writer and performer for over fifteen years. He began his training under the tutelage of Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino, where he became immersed with Chicano Theater - as well as influences from San Francisco Mime Troupe, Grotowski, Brecht, Peter Brook, Commedia Dell'Arte, traditions from La Carpa and many others. From that experience he created Chicano TheaterWorks. As Co-Founder & Artistic Director of CTW, he produced, translated and directed over two dozen local, national & international works. Tlaloc graduated with honors from UC Santa Cruz and soon followed with fellowships at Shakespeare Santa Cruz, Dallas Theater Center, South Coast Repertory Theater and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. He received his MFA from the University of Washington School of Drama. Tlaloc is a Usual Suspect for New York Theatre Workshop, serves as a directing associate for a number of NYC theaters and is a member of NoPassport. Tlaloc is also a recipient of the prestigious NEA/TCG Career Development Program for Directors. He currently resides in New York City.

Productions: +

Author: Daniel Medina (2008-04-19. 2017)

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