Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Coya Paz

Author / playwright

Coya Paz' website.
Coya Paz was raised in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, and Brazil, and moved permanently to the United States in the late 1980's. She is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Performance Studies at Northwestern University, where she also holds her MA. She has collaborated with Teatro Luna on all of their ensemble built projects.
She has appeared in numerous independent film and performance projects, and enjoys singing in the shower. Coya is a contributor to the Oxford University Encyclopedia of Latino/as in the United States, and is committed to using performance as a strategy for social and individual change.(Information taken from Teatro Luna's website.)

Notes: +

    She performed and developed the Dejame Contarte Program for the NewWorks Lab 2001; she wrote and performed "Numbers, but Who's Counting.." and "If you even hang your coat by a Puerto-Rican Girl..."

Written texts: +

Author: José Loor (2008-03-25)

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