Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Víctor Batista Falla


Batista Falla left Cuba and settled first in New York. There, he financed the creation of the magazine Exilio (1965-1978), where he published young exile writers; he co-directed it with Raimundo Fernández Bonilla and published writers such as Lino Novás Calvo, Lydia Cabrera, Eugenio Florit, José Mario, José Ignacio Rasco, Mercedes García Tuduri and María Zambrano, in addition to many painters. He also collaborated with Teatro de las Américas since its founding in 1969.  He later financed escandalar (1978-1984), directed by Octavio Armand, and published many exiled writers such as Reinaldo Arenas, Lorenzo García Vega, Severo Sarduy, and José Triana. After moving to Madrid where he lived for the rest of his life, he founded the Colibri publishing house. After 60 years of exile, Batista Falla returned to Cuba where he died of COVID-19 complications.

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