Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Ross Shideler


Ross Patrick Shideler, American Foreign language and comparative literature educator, author, translator, poet. Fellow NDFL, 1964; fellow National Defense Education Act, 1965; Fulbright-Hays fellow, 1966-1967.


Shideler, Ross Patrick was born on April 12, 1936 in Denver, Colorado, United States.


Bachelor of Arts, San Francisco State University, 1958;Master of Arts, University Stockholm, 1963;Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, 1968.


Instructor in comparative literature, University of California, Berkeley, 1967-1968;assistant Professor of English, Hunter College, New York City, 1968-1969;assistant professor Scandinavian language and comparative literature, University of California at Los Angeles, 1969-1973;associate professor, University of California at Los Angeles, 1973-1979;professor, University of California at Los Angeles, since 1979;chairman program in comparative literature, 1979-1986, 92-96.



Member Modern Language Association (Executive Committee division Scandinavian Langs. and Lits. 1993-1997), Society Advancement Scandinavian Studies (executive county 1985-1989, vice president 1997-1999, president since 1999), American Comparative Literature Association, Association Depts. and Programs Comparative Literature (Executive Committee 1993-1994, 94-).


Written texts: +

Author: Alberto Sarrain (04/05/2018)

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