Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Photograph of Jack Betts in Havana (ASU0061000010)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members on a tour in Havana (ASU0061000009)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members in front of the Capitol (ASU0061000008)
digitalobject Photograph of Jo Herman in Havana hotel room (ASU0061000007)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members in Havana hotel lobby (ASU0061000006)
digitalobject Photograph of Jo Herman in Havana hotel lobby (ASU0061000005)
digitalobject Photograph of Dena Radoff and Jo Herman in Havana hotel lobby (ASU0061000004)
digitalobject Photograph of Drama Department members in front of store window sign announcing the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky (ASU0061000003)
digitalobject Photograph of store window sign announcing the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky (ASU0061000002)
digitalobject Photograph of the theatrical production, Light Up the Sky (ASU0061000001)

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