Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Edith (cta0067000088)
digitalobject Press note "Pedro Vera: Premio Omar Valdés de la UNEAC" (cta0067000070)
digitalobject Program for the ceremony of "Premio Brene" (Matanzas, 2012) (cta0067000069)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Luces (cta0067000068)
digitalobject Poster for the theatrical production, Luces (cta0067000067)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Polvo (cta0067000066)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Edith (cta0067000065)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Las penas que a mí me matan (cta0067000064)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Flores de papel (cta0067000063)
digitalobject Program for 10 Jornada de teatro Unión de Reyes (cta0067000062)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, Lencería príncipe (cta0067000061)
digitalobject Program for XII Jornada de teatro Unión de Reyes (cta0067000060)
digitalobject Letter from Pedro Vera to Lillian Manzor and Alberto Sarraín (cta0067000059)
digitalobject Envelope from Pedro Vera to Dr. Lillian Manzor and Alberto Sarraín (cta0067000058)
digitalobject Program for the production, "La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón" (cta0013000081)
digitalobject Program for the production, "Canción para estar contigo" (cta0013000079)
digitalobject Photograph of the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa (cta0013000071)
digitalobject Photograph of Carlos Pérez Peña in the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa (cta0013000070)
digitalobject Photograph of Migdalia Seguí (Dama 2) in the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa (cta0013000069)
digitalobject Photograph of Yerandy Basart (Caballero 3) and Fara Madrigal (Dama 1) in the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa (cta0013000068)
digitalobject Photograph of Yerandy Basart (Caballero 3) and Fara Madrigal (Dama 1) in the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa (cta0013000067)
digitalobject Poster for the theatrical production, Los zapaticos de rosa (cta0013000066)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón" (cta0013000065)
digitalobject Photographs of Rubén Darío Salazar in the production, "La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón" (cta0013000064)
digitalobject Photographs of the production, "El gorro color de cielo" (cta0013000063)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "Federico de noche" (cta0013000062)
digitalobject Photographs of the production, "Federico de noche" (cta0013000061)
digitalobject Photographs of the production, "Federico de noche" (cta0013000060)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000058)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000057)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000056)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000055)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000054)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000053)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000052)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000051)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Por el monte carulé" (cta0013000050)
digitalobject Photograph of Rubén Darío Salazar, Fara Madrigal, Freddy Maragotto and Migdalia Seguí in the production, "Pelusín y los pájaros" (cta0013000048)
digitalobject Poster for Teatro de Las Estaciones: 15 años (cta0013000047)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000046)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000045)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000044)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000043)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000042)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000041)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Virgencita de Bronce" (cta0013000040)
digitalobject Pamplhet Casa de la Memoria Escénica de Matanzas (chc5297000038)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000039)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000038)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000037)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000036)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000035)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000034)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000033)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El día que me quieras" (chc5131000032)
production Bromibromeando (Matanzas, 1997)
production Canción para estar contigo (Sala Teatro Papalote, July 2012)
production Chúo Gil y las Tejedoras (Matanzas, 1994)
production De Santa Clara El Mejunje (Casa de Cultura Pablo Quevedo, March 19, 2012)
production Edith (Unknown Venue - Matanzas, 1998)
production El circo de los Pasos (Matanzas, 1990)
production El día que me quieras (Teatro Sauto, July 3, 2008)
production El gorro color de cielo (Casa de Cultura Pablo Quevedo, March 17, 2010)
production El Huerto Escolar (Matanzas, 1981)
production El sexo y yo (Matanzas, 1992)
production Espectro (Casa de Cultura Pablo Quevedo, March 19, 2010)
production Eureka en apuros (Casa de Cultura Pablo Quevedo, March 20, 2010)
production Federico de noche (Sala Teatro Papalote, January 24, 2009)
production Flores de papel (Consejo Provincial de Artes Escénicas, 2002)
production Ha llegado un inspector (Matanzas, 1978)
production Huevos (Sala Teatro Papalote, February 28, 2013)
production La Divina Tragedia (Matanzas, 1974)
production La emboscada (Matanzas, 1981)
production La Leyenda Arará Afra (Matanzas, 1982)
production La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón (Museo Farmaceútico de Matanzas, July 17, 1996)
production La pamplinera (Parque de Unión de Reyes, March 17, 2010)
production La Ventana Tejida (Matanzas, 2004)
production Llegaron los Zancudos (Matanzas, 1996)
production Los zapaticos de rosa (Sala Teatro Papalote, October 2009)
production Los zapaticos de rosa (Sala Teatro Papalote, January 2007)
production Luces (Casa de Cultura Pablo Quevedo, March 21, 2010)
production Pasos Callejeros (Matanzas, 1993)
production Pelusín y los pájaros (Matanzas, June 21, 2001)
production Petición de mano (Matanzas, 1975)
production Polvo (Consejo Provincial de Artes Escénicas, November 2006)
production Promesa (Casa de Cultura Pablo Quevedo, March 20, 2010)
production Santa Juana de las América (Matanzas, 1982)
production Sueño de una noche a lo Cubano (Matanzas, January 1, 2004)
production Un cuento de Allá (Matanzas, 1984)
production Variedades (Matanzas, 1994)
writtenwork Canción para estar contigo (Play script)
writtenwork Federico de noche (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Flores de papel (Play script)
writtenwork La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón (Literary antecedent)
writtenwork La niña que riega la albahaca y el príncipe preguntón (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Los zapaticos de rosa (Literary antecedent)
writtenwork Los zapaticos de rosa (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork Pelusín y los pájaros (Play script)

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